Human Resources and Governance

“I come that you might have life, life in all its fullness”
This saying of Jesus resonates with the aims of the Human Resources department in the diocese, which is about enabling all those who further the work of the Church in this place to do so in roles best-suited to their skills and abilities, and to enable them to be supported to grow and develop in their particular ministry. Talents are there to be nurtured, not buried, so that all benefit from their fruits.
Our Human Resources information is divided into sections pertaining to clergy, parishes and job vacancies.
Head of Human Resources and Governance
Ali Ng
Ali is responsible for providing the HR and Governance service to the Diocese. This includes HR policies and procedures, employment law, clergy terms of service, support to parishes, GDPR and overseeing the governance, administration and secretarial functions.
T: 01768 807777 Ext 214/07468 720292
Human Resources Adviser
Helen Harker
Helen is responsible for recruitment, providing HR advice, managing HR processes including payroll and providing support to the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser.
T: 07435 762317