
We are honoured and delighted to be asked to be a part of family celebrations such as weddings and Christenings.
Marriage is a serious, lifelong, commitment. We believe that in the faithful perseverance of marriage God gives us His grace, and we come to understand something about His commitment to us.
Because marriage is the foundation of family life, and family life is the foundation of society, there are laws about marriage - who you cannot marry, where and when you can marry, etc.
Different Churches have policies about how and when they do weddings. Please talk to your vicar before making firm arrangements and there will usually be some marriage preparation.
To find out more about weddings and blessings click on the image below:
Any Questions
Click on the links below to find out answers to various questions - all provided by the Church of England website
What are the legal requirements?
What is the cost of a church wedding? *It is always advisable to ask the church in which you wish to marry
How do I find my parish church for reading Banns?
I have not been Christened/Baptised can I have a church wedding?
Can a vicar form a different church take our wedding?