Diocese of Carlisle


Do you, or somebody who you are advising, feel God is calling them to try something new?

Welcome to our Vocations Tool specifically for Cumbria.

This is not comprehensive and chatting to one of our fantastic Vocations Co-ordinators is a really good way to explore more. Their email addresses are below.

However please look at these ideas, click through and it will take you to an email for the person who can help you in your chosen area.

Vocations Resources

SHAPE Course

As part of our Diocesan aim to encourage and support Christians in Cumbria to, ‘have life in all its fullness’. (John 10:10) we are offering Mission Communities links to the SHAPE course. This course helps participants to explore their Spiritual Gifts, Heart’s Desire, Abilities, Personality and Experience that make up their shape for God’s service. It is run over 6 sessions and the zip file can be downloaded from here:

SHAPE course materials — Resourcing Renewal


If you would like to talk to someone about what God might be calling you to be and do, you can contact one of the Vocations Coordinators. There are three team leaders, in the north, south and west of the county:




My Calling - Joan Wager

What's your calling? What is God guiding you towards? How can you better discern what may be the way forward?

"Vocation is relevant for everybody… God hasn’t finished with anyone due to age, there’s still a calling on your life" - Joan Wager

Links and Resources