Vacancy in See

"For this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher."
2 Timothy 1:11
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."
Proverbs 3: 5-6
Vacancy in See Prayer
Everlasting God, You have welcomed each one of us in Jesus and called us to be your people in this place;
Send us your Holy Spirit, and fill us with vision, energy, and faithfulness in prayer, that we may be true to our calling to follow daily, care deeply, speak boldly and tread gently.
Guide us as we seek to discern who you are calling to be our new Bishop, that they may be a wise and gentle shepherd of your people, ready to serve us with joy, build us up in faith and be a herald of your son, Our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Vacancy in See Update
The Diocese of Carlisle is currently in the process of seeking and appointing a new Bishop of Carlisle. In December 2023, the Crown Nominations Commission (CNC) were unable to agree upon a nomination, meaning the CNC will meet again in Spring 2025 to resume the process. In the meantime, the Rt Rev Rob Saner-Haigh, Bishop of Penrith, will continue in the role as Acting Bishop of Carlisle.
The process so far
A bishop looks after a ‘see’, so when there is a vacancy in a bishop’s post, it is called a Vacancy in See.
In March 2023, at the request of the Archbishops’ Appointment Secretary, our Vacancy in See Committee held its first meeting to begin the process for discerning and appointing our next Bishop of Carlisle. It met four times between March and May 2023.
The Vacancy in See Committee exists to assist in the national process of discerning and appointing a new Diocesan Bishop. All dioceses are always required to have a Vacancy in See Committee in existence, but the Group only meets when a vacancy in the diocesan bishop post arises.
In May 2023, six members of the Vacancy in See committee were subsequently elected to the Crown Nominations Commission to assist in the selection and interviewing of all potential candidates. In November 2023, there was a shortlisting process with interviews held on 13 and 14 December 2023. At that time, after much careful and prayerful deliberation, the CNC were unable to appoint.
The process for discerning and appointing a new Bishop of Carlisle will continue. The CNC will meet again in January 2025 to shortlist with interviews scheduled for 13 and 14 March, 2025.
The process for discerning and appointing a new Diocesan Bishop in the Church of England includes a range of tasks and responsibilities at both a diocesan and national level. To find out more about this process please review the national guidance which is available below.
Click here for more information about the Vacancy in See process.
Functions of the Vacancy in See Committee
The Committee has two tasks specified in the legislation:
- To prepare a Statement of Needs giving a brief descriptive overview of our diocese and a statement setting out the desired profile and qualities of our new Bishop.
- To elect six diocesan representatives to the Crown Nominations Commission to assist in the selection and interviewing of all potential candidates.
Committee Membership
The membership of a Vacancy in See Committee is governed by legislation. The membership is made up of a mixture of ex officio members (such as our General Synod representatives) and members of the Bishop Staff, elected lay and ordained members and nominated lay and ordained members of Bishop's Council.
Please note that though Vacancy in See committee elections are due to take place later this year, those elected will serve on a new committee should a future Vacancy in See arise. Members of the current committee will continue in post for as long as the See of Carlisle remains in Vacancy this time round. The exception to this is the Dean of Carlisle, the Very Rev Jonathan Brewster, who is an ex officio member of the committee and as such has taken his place following his installation in September 2023.
Click here to view the Committee's membership.
If you would like to know more about how the members of the Committee are elected and appointed, please review the national guidance available.
Click here to view information about how Committee members are elected and appointed.
Statement of Needs
Click here to view the Statement of Needs.
Our CNC Representatives
Six diocesan representatives elected to the Crown Nominations Commission in 2023 will continue in post to assist in the selection and interviewing of all potential candidates in 2025. There would only be a change of personnel should any of our representatives leave the Diocese of Carlisle. Any such change would be conducted through a mandatory election process. Please continue to pray for all of our CNC representatives.
Click here to find out more about our CNC representatives.
Consultation and Discernment
All Diocesan Bishops in the Church of England have both a diocesan and national role. In light of this, there are two distinct consultation processes required to help discern the qualities, experience and skills needed for the role.
Diocesan Consultation
In April 2023, a Diocesan Consultation – through an online questionnaire, in-person meetings and an online meeting - helped to guide and inform the Vacancy in See Committee in their tasks and fed into the preparation of the Statement of Needs.
National Consultation
The Archbishops’ Appointment Secretary and the Prime Minister’s Appointment Secretary conducted an additional consultation as part of the wider national discernment process. This consultation included Zoom consultations, a public consultation, a Church Times advert inviting suggested names of potential candidates and an email contact for suggested names.
In the first half of July 2024, the Archbishops’ Appointment Secretary and the Prime Minister’s Appointment Secretary will conduct further consultations.