Diocese of Carlisle

Helpful Resources

Free Giving Signage for Churches
To order your free pull up banner or A4 poster in stand  click here.

Financing Ministry in Cumbria 2022
For an explanation of how the Diocese of Carlisle's finances work and how your Parish Offer is spent  click here.

Useful Forms 
Standing Order form:  click here
Gift Aid form:  click here

To watch a short video from Bishop James on legacy giving click here.
Click here for an Example Legacy Policy.
For more information about how to promote legacy giving in your church click here.

Online Giving
For FAQ's on the Diocesan online giving platform click here.
Click here for the application form for Give.net.
For guidance on promoting online giving in your church click here.
For more information about online giving, email stewardship@carlislediocese.org.uk.

Thank You Letters
Example thank you letter: click here

Annual Review
Template letter: click here
Template Brochure: click here

Literature for Stewardship Campaigns
How to prepare a brochure guidance: click here
Template letter to congregation: click here
Example letter recently used in a Penrith Church: click here
Template brochure: click here

Preaching Resources
For preaching guidance: click here
2 Corinthians preaching notes: click here
2 Corinthians preaching reflections: click here
Luke preaching notes: click here
Luke preaching reflections: click here
Mark preaching notes: click here
Mark preaching reflections: click here
Matthew preaching notes: click here
Mathew preaching reflections: click here

For a comprehensive list of grants available to churches please  click here.

The National Churches Trust

National Churches Trust are one of the largest grant funders of churches in the UK. For information on the various funding streams the National Churches Trust operate please  click here

Diocesan Parish Property Fund
This fund is to support:

(a) the provision and improvement but not the repair of Anglican Churches;
(b) the provision and improvement of other parochial buildings;
(c) the provision and improvement of Diocesan buildings.

Grants are available for up to £5,000, or one third of the overall cost, whichever is the less.

For more information contact Ric Jaques, Head of Finance, on 01768 807761 or email ric.jaques@carlislediocese.org.uk.
Click here for the  Parish Property Fund Grant Application Form

Diocesan Growth Fund
This fund is to support:

(a) projects or staff whose work is designed to lead to growth.

Grants are for up to £15,000 and will usually be spread over three years. Projects working with children and young people will be prioritised.

For more information contact Ric Jaques, Head of Finance, on 01768 807761 or email ric.jaques@carlislediocese.org.uk.
Click here for the Diocesan Growth Fund

All Churches Trust
Grants available for a wide variety of projects including: mission and ministry, community outreach, repairs to church buildings, re-ordering and new works, bells and organs, churchyards and cemeteries etc.

Visit: https://www.allchurches.co.uk for more information.

The Headley Trust
This fund is to support:

  • The restoration or repair work to the fabric of ancient cathedrals, parish church cathedrals and large churches of exceptional architectural merit.
  • Fabric repairs to listed medieval parish churches in sparsely populated and less prosperous rural areas in England & Wales; and the provision of toilet facilities and disabled access within these churches.

Visit: http://www.sfct.org.uk/Headley.html for more information.

The Wolfson Foundation
Grants between £2,000 and £5,000 are available to support:

  • Conservation of the historic fabric of the building

Church buildings must be Grade 1 or Grade II* in order to apply.

Visit: http://www.wolfson.org.uk/funding/arts-and-humanities/historic-buildings-landscapes/churches/for more information.

Jill Franklin Trust
Small grants of around £500 are available to support:

  • The restoration (not “improvement”) of churches of architectural importance (half a page in Pevsner’s Buildings). The church should be open to visitors every day, and must be Grade 1 or Grade II* listed.

Visit: https://jill-franklin-trust.org.uk/ for more information.

Benefact Trust: Building Improvement Grants Programme
This fund supports building improvements which “protect and enhance” Christian buildings. The grant programme is part of the Benefact Trust’s new grants framework. Grants will support capital costs including essential one-off repairs, equipment purchases, restoration of historic features and more. To find out more click here.

Stewardship eNews Articles