Generosity Week

It’s great that you are thinking of running a Generosity Week in your church.
What is Generosity Week?
Generosity Week resources are designed to make stewardship as easy as possible for your church to engage with. Generosity Week is an invitation for your church to spend eight days being inspired by generosity. The resources allow us to reflect on God's amazing generosity to us and explore how we can grow generosity in our churches.
Generosity Week can happen at any time in the year. It starts with a Sunday focussed on the theme of 'generosity' and ends with a Sunday looking at 'gratitude'.
How do I get started?
- Let us know you are considering running a Generosity Week by emailing We would love to support you in any way we can, such as: having an initial conversation with you; working directly with your PCC to make Generosity Week happen; guiding you towards the most relevant resources; helping you prepare literature for your Generosity Week and supporting the running of your Generosity Week, perhaps through preaching.
- Take a look at the resources below, which are designed to make running a Generosity Week as simple as possible for you.
- Gather a small group of people around you to work with the Stewardship Enabler to make Generosity Week happen.
What are the resources?
These resources are intended to make running a Generosity Week a really positive experience for you and your church. Churches are not expected to use all the resources available but to choose those resources that would best suite their context.
Key Resources
Template Sunday services on the theme of 'Generosity' and 'Gratitude'
- Eucharistic services: Week 1 ‘Generosity’, Week 2 ‘Gratitude’
- Formal services: Week 1 ‘Generosity’, Week 2 ‘Gratitude’
- Informal services: Week 1 ‘Generosity’, Week 2 ‘Gratitude’
Generosity Week themed giving review literature
Other Resources
- Eight daily morning prayer services
- Short generosity themed videos
- Two midweek group sessions, called ‘Living in Faith: Celebrating Our Legacy’ and 'Living Faith: Giving in Community’
- Eight podcasts
- Marketing materials
National Resources
There is also a suite of extra Generosity Week themed resources available on the national Church of England website. These include marketing materials, legacy information and resources to engage young people and the wider community in the theme of generosity.
Click here to find out more
Why bother with a Generosity Week?
Running a Generosity Week will:
- Inspire your congregations and help grow cultures of generosity in your churches
- Increase giving levels to your church
- Be the simplest way to engage with stewardship meaningfully
2 Corinthians 8:7 “But since you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you —see that you also excel in this grace of giving.”