Diocese of Carlisle


Spirituality is about contacting and enlarging the inner life, which all of us have within, and allowing the living flame of the inner presence of God to touch and permeate our daily activities. 

It can be nurtured through encountering the beauty of the landscape surrounding us, through reading, music, relaxation, silence and quiet days, or retreats, which are times set apart, often led by an experienced Spiritual Director. 

Diocesan Spirituality Adviser

The Rev Becca Gilbert
Becca will continue in her role as Pioneer Minister with the Western Dales Mission Community whilst also acting as Diocesan Spirituality Adviser.

T: 07527 728256
E: becca.gilbert@westerndales.org.uk

Cumbria Ecumenical Spirituality Group

The Cumbria Ecumenical Spirituality Group (CESG) exists to make the journey of ‘knowing God’ richer and deeper, and to offer companionship on the journey. It does this in a number of ways.

It supports the development of Mission Communities across the county, and the vision of ‘God for all’. Ecumenical groups sometimes ask CESG to lead events such as a Lent group, guided week of prayer or quiet days.

Nourishing the Soul

A year-long Nourishing The Soul course (one day per month) offers a more in-depth exploration for those who seek it.

Information is available from:

Jo Maybury
T: 07977 565097
E: assistantCESG@gmail.com


Cursillo is a movement of the Church, providing a method by which Christians are empowered to grow through prayer, study and action and enabled to share God’s love with everyone.

Cursillo (pronounced ‘kur-see-yo) is a Spanish word meaning ‘a short course’ (as in an athletic event). It is a method of supporting and encouraging our lives as Christians and is now a worldwide movement. 

Cursillo in the Carlisle Diocese began and continues with the blessing of the Diocesan Bishop. The Spiritual Director and Lay Director are both appointed by him.