Safeguarding Training

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.
The Diocese of Carlisle is working towards creating a church which is safer for everyone. Active engagement with safeguarding training supports all those who have a role within the Church to effectively recognise and respond to possible abuse and implement best safeguarding practice.
Attendance at Church of England training is mandatory for anyone performing certain roles connected with church activity, including those who are lay and ordained. There is also a requirement to refresh training every three years. Although you may have done safeguarding training with other organisations, you are still required to complete the Church of England training which has been developed specifically for church context to support you in your role.
The Church of England’s Safeguarding Learning and Development Framework 2021, sets out the details of the Church's safeguarding learning pathways for all Church bodies, and expectations on Church Officers in respect of those pathways. It replaces previous any safeguarding training practice guidance.
All Church Officers are reminded that safeguarding policy and practice guidance has been approved by the House of Bishops and must, where relevant, be followed by all Church Bodies and Church Officers.
There are four 'levels' or 'Core Pathways' of training and different Church Officer roles are eligible for each level. Each course builds on the knowledge gained from the previous, so they should be completed in consecutive order until the individual has reached the highest level of learning for their role.

What Safeguarding Training do I need for my role?
The Diocese of Carlisle has prepared a Parish Safeguarding Training Matrix to assist you with identifying the safeguarding courses required for your role.
Parish Safeguarding Training Matrix
Basic Awareness and Foundation Training
The expectation is that the Basic and Foundation modules will be completed online via the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal.
However, we understand that people may not always be able to access training online and therefore we have now trained volunteers within the diocese to deliver this training face to face. If you need the Basic and Foundation delivering at a local level, please contact our Safeguarding Administration inbox to request assistance and we will be able to put you in touch with one of our registered trainers:
NEW FOR 2024:In response to many requests, the Diocesan Safeguarding Team is able to provide the following Basic and Foundation combined face to face courses. We have limited spaces so please book early:
The available dates and links to book are as follows:
Course | Delivery/Venue | Date | Booking link |
New courses for 2025 to be released soon | TBC |
Leadership Training
This level of training is always delivered by the Diocesan Safeguarding Team. We provide a combination of both virtual and face-to-face delivery.
Training consists of two x 90-minute sessions which are usually delivered a week apart (*unless specified below as we do offer some one-day courses). To complete this training successfully, it is imperative that you attend both sessions, complete the pre programme work (which involves answering 6 questions but should take no more than an hour to complete) and complete the post training reflective account. This information will all be sent to you in a separate email following booking. Please contact our training advice inbox if you have any questions about this before booking: We are happy to help you.
Who is Leadership safeguarding training for?
Leadership Training is required by all people who play a lead role in shaping the culture of their parish. This includes, but is not limited to:
- All clergy holding the Bishop’s licence, commission, authorisation, or permission (including PtO where the PtO specific pathway is not available – please contact the DSA if you require clarification) including Honorary/Assistant Bishops and Chaplains.
- All Readers and Licensed Lay Ministers holding the Bishop’s licence (under Canons E6 & E8), together with all others who hold the Bishop’s commission, authorisation, or permission to carry out similar ministerial functions (including PtO where exemption has not been given).
- Parish Safeguarding Officers / Leads in all Church bodies.
- Ordinands need to have completed the Leadership Pathway before their diaconal ordination and lay ministers in training before they are licensed.
- Non-executive members of Chapter (unless their role in the diocese requires a higher level).
- Teaching staff at Theological Education Institutions who are delivering the Leadership Pathway.
- It should also, according to the local context, include such other people who significantly influence the culture of that Church body. These may include, for example, lay ministry staff employed by a PCC or Bishops’ Mission Order, locally appointed leaders of new worshipping communities, focal ministers, and Churchwardens.*
* Whilst in many contexts the level of influence of Churchwardens may well not reach the threshold, we actively encourage Churchwardens to complete this training. This is ‘required’ when in vacancy.Please contact the DSA to discuss if you are unsure.
The available dates and links to book are as follows:
Course | Delivery/Venue | Date | Booking link |
L2025/01 | Zoom | Session 1 - Tuesday 7 January 10am - 11.30am Session 2 - Tuesday 14 January 10am - 11.30am |
Book here |
L2025/02 | Zoom | Session 1 - Monday 13 January 7pm - 8.30pm Session 2 - Monday 20 January 7pm - 8.30pm |
Book here |
L2025/03 | Zoom | Session 1 - Thursday 6 February 7pm - 8.30pm Session 2 - Thursday 13 February 7pm - 8.30pm |
Book here |
L2025/04 | Zoom | Session 1 - Wednesday 12 February 2pm - 3.30pm Session 2 - Wednesday 19 February 2pm - 3.30pm |
Book here |
L2025/05 | Zoom | Session 1 - Tuesday 11 March 7pm - 8.30pm Session 2 - Tuesday 18 March 7pm - 8.30pm |
Book here |
L2025/06 | Zoom | Session 1 - Thursday 13 March 2pm - 3.30pm Session 2 - Thursday 20 March 2pm - 3.30pm |
Book here |
L2025/07 | Zoom | Session 1 - Wednesday 7 May 10am - 11.30am Session 2 - Wednesday 14 May 10am - 11.30am |
Book here |
L2025/08* | Face to Face St Thomas Church, Kendal, LA9 4QG |
Session 1 and 2 Monday 19 May 10am - 3pm (in a day) * Note that this course will be delivered in one day. |
Book here |
L2025/09 |
Zoom | Session 1 - Monday 12 May 7pm - 8.30pm Session 2 - Monday 19 May 7pm - 8.30pm |
Book here |
L2025/10* | Face to Face St John's in the Hall (Crossfield Community Centre), Cleator Moor, CA25 5BY |
Session 1 and 2 Tuesday 20 May 10am - 3pm (in a day) * Note that this course will be delivered in one day. |
Book here |
L2025/11* | Face to Face Rosley Village Hall, Wigton, CA7 0LU |
Session 1 and 2 Wednesday 21 May 10am - 3pm (in a day) * Note that this course will be delivered in one day. |
Book here |
L2025/12 | Zoom | Session 1 - Thursday 5 June 10am - 11.30am Session 2 - Thursday 12 June 10am - 11.30am |
Book here |
L2025/13 | Zoom | Session 1 - Tuesday 10 June 2pm - 3.30pm Session 2 - Tuesday 17 June 2pm - 3.30pm |
Book here |
L2025/14 | Zoom | Session 1 - Friday 4 July 10am - 11.30am Session 2 - Friday 11 July 10am - 11.30am |
Book here |
L2025/15 | Zoom | Session 1 - Wednesday 9 July 7pm - 8.30pm Session 2 - Wednesday 16 July 7pm - 8.30pm |
Book here |
L2025/16 | Zoom | Session 1 - Monday 8 September 2pm - 3.30pm Session 2 - Monday 15 September 2pm - 3.30pm |
Book here |
L2025/17 | Zoom | Session 1 - Friday 12 September 10am - 11.30am Session 2 - Friday 19 September 10am - 11.30am |
Book here |
L2025/18* | Face to Face Ambleside Parish Centre, Vicarage Road, Ambleside, LA22 9DH |
Session 1 and 2 Monday 22 September 10am - 3pm (in a day) * Note that this course will be delivered in one day. |
Book here |
L2025/19* | Face to Face St John's in the Hall (Crossfield Community Centre), Cleator Moor, CA25 5BY |
Session 1 and 2 Tuesday 23 September 10am - 3pm (in a day) * Note that this course will be delivered in one day. |
Book here |
L2025/20* | Face to Face St James' Church, Saint James' Road, Carlisle, CA2 5PD |
Session 1 and 2 Wednesday 24 September 10am - 3pm (in a day) * Note that this course will be delivered in one day. |
Book here |
L2025/21 | Zoom | Session 1 - Tuesday 7 October 2pm - 3.30pm Session 2 - Tuesday 14 October 2pm - 3.30pm |
Book here |
L2025/22 | Zoom | Session 1 - Monday 13 October 7pm - 8.30pm Session 2 - Monday 20 October 7pm - 8.30pm |
Book here |
L2025/23 | Zoom | Session 1 - Tuesday 4 November 7pm - 8.30pm Session 2 - Tuesday 11 November 7pm - 8.30pm |
Book here |
L2025/24 | Zoom | Session 1 - Thursday 13 November 10am - 11.30am Session 2 - Thursday 20 November 10am - 11.30am |
Book here |
L2025/25 | Zoom | Session 1 - Saturday 15 November 10am - 11.30am Session 2 - Saturday 22 November 10am - 11.30am |
Book here |
L2025/26 | Zoom | Session 1 - Wednesday 3 December 7pm - 8.30pm Session 2 - Wednesday 10 December 7pm - 8.30pm |
Book here |
If you have any questions/concerns about the contents or method of delivery of this course, or if there are any ways that we can assist you with your learning, either prior to or during the session, please make contact your Diocesan Safeguarding Officer Jo Van Lachterop at: We will do our best to facilitate your requirements. Please do this as soon as you have booked onto the course.
Permission To Officiate (PtO) - Specific Leadership Pathway
This course is a slightly condensed version of the Leadership pathway. It is specially tailored to those who minister less frequently and is required to be completed by anyone holding or applying for a PtO licence. It is not available for any other church officer.
Please note: you only need to book a place if you have not completed either this OR the Leadership pathway within the past three years. If you are unsure, please check your local records – usually held by your Parish Safeguarding Officer, or you can email Liz Howson or Safeguarding Administration and we will assist you in checking.
It is very important that if your current certification ends in 2025, you must rebook onto a new course. You do not have to wait until the three years has expired and can attend up to three months before expiry if you prefer to attend one of the face to face courses available. If you need any assistance in booking, please do not hesitate to contact and we will be happy to assist you.
Course | Delivery/Venue | Date | Booking link |
PTO2025/01 | Zoom | Thursday 6 February 1.30pm - 4.30pm |
Book here |
PTO2025/02 | Zoom | Monday 31 March 6pm - 9pm |
Book here |
PTO2025/03 | Face to Face Crosthwaite Sunday School Room, Church Lane, Keswick, CA12 5QG |
Thursday 22 May 10am - 1pm |
Book here |
PTO2025/04 | Zoom | Tuesday 10 June 2pm - 5pm |
Book here |
PTO2025/05 | Face to Face Crosthwaite Sunday School Room, Church Lane, Keswick, CA12 5QG |
Thursday 25 September 10am - 1pm |
Book here |
PTO2025/06 | Face to Face Newbiggin Village Hall, Newbiggin, Penrith, CA11 0HT |
Friday 26 September 10am - 1pm |
Book here |
Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO) Induction Course
This stand-alone course is aimed at any person taking on the role of Parish Safeguarding Officer and / or for existing Parish Safeguarding Officers.
The aim of this course is to equip learners with an understanding of the role of the Parish Safeguarding Officer and induct them into key working practices and relationships. It is delivered over a 3-hour session. There is a short piece of reflective work to complete afterwards. Feedback so far indicates that this course is assisting in empowering PSOs to understand their role and provides a networking opportunity to develop relationships with the DSO and other people in the same role as you.
The available dates and links to book are as follows:
Course | Delivery/Venue | Date | Booking link |
PSO2025/01 | Zoom | Monday 10 February 6pm - 9pm | Book here |
If you would like to attend but this date is not convenient, please contact: so we can advise you of any additional dates.
Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse (RADA)
Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse is available to complete online.The recommended time allowance is 1.5 - 2hrs. Click here to access the course.
The aim of this course is enable participants to engage thoughtfully and proactively with the issue of domestic abuse and those affected.
The outcomes of the course are to enable the learner to:
- Identify the typologies of domestic abuse and survivor groups.
- Explore myths, barriers, stereotypes and impacts of domestic abuse particularly in a faith context.
- Reflect on how your own beliefs and values and the stories and narratives that they bring impact on your responses to survivors and perpetrators.
- Evaluate the needs of domestic abuse survivors to support them effectively, including referral pathways and the roles of supporting agencies.
- Identify safeguarding actions to protect victims or those at risk whilst also understanding the limitations and boundaries of your role.
Who is RADA safeguarding training for?
The required attendees for the RADA course are:
- Anyone holding the Bishop’s licence, commission, authorisation, or permission (clergy, PtO, Readers, LLMs)
- Bishops Visitors / Pastoral Visitors
- Parish Safeguarding Officers
- Ordinands during IME 1.
- PCC Members / Lay Chapter Members.
- Staff at Theological Education Institutions with student facing roles.
- Members of the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel.
It is also recommended that Persons holding any other pastoral role within the Church complete the course.
Face-to-Face Training
In response to requests, we are able to offer a few face-to-face sessions.
This course is delivered is by the Diocesan Safeguarding Team and takes 2.5 hours to complete.
The available dates and links to book are as follows:
Course | Venue | Date | Booking link |
R2025/01 | St Thomas Church, Kendal | Monday 19 May 4:30pm - 7pm | Book here |
R2025/02 | St Johns in the Hall, Crossfield Community Centre, Cleator Moor | Tuesday 20 May 4:30pm - 7pm | Book here |
R2025/03 | Rosley Village Hall, Wigton | Wednesday 21 May 4:30pm - 7pm | Book here |
R2025/04 | Ambleside Parish Centre, Vicarage Rd, Ambleside | Monday 22 September 4:30pm - 7pm | Book here |
R2025/05 | St Johns in the Hall, Crossfield Community Centre, Cleator Moor | Tuesday 23 September 4:30pm - 7pm | Book here |
R2025/06 | St James' Parish Centre, St James' Road, Carlisle | Wednesday 24 September 4:30pm - 7pm | Book here |
‘Train The Trainer’ Training
This one-day course is being offered to those who would like to have the confidence to deliver the Basic and Foundation level of Safeguarding training at a face-to-face level in their parishes.It will provide an overview of the content and materials available for both courses and will assist in developing participants skills in being able to deliver these levels face to face to those whom require it.Please contact Jo Van Lachterop at: to register your interest in attending and seek further information.
This role is one which people can offer to do as much or as little as they like in, and we are looking to build a community of support for these trainers.
For those who are interested in this area of work we are asking:
- Attendance at one of the train the trainer days (details below),
- Spend some time preparing for this course,
- Be prepared to deliver at least one course within 3 months of training,
- Feel confident to deliver training to adults,
- That you have some safeguarding knowledge either from a role in the church or your workplace.
Forthcoming Course:
Date | Venue | Booking link |
Wednesday 12 March 2025 10.15am – 3.30pm | Church House, 19-24 Friargate, Penrith, CA11 7XR | To register interest, email Safeguarding Administration |
Modern Slavery Safeguarding Training
Modern Slavery is a serious crime being committed across the UK in which victims are exploited for someone else’s gain. It can take many forms including trafficking of people, forced labour and servitude. Victims are often hidden away, may be unable to leave their situation, or may not come forward because of fear or shame. Victims are men, women and children of all ages, ethnicities and nationalities. Those we know about are just the tip of the iceberg - many victims never come forward to the authorities and continue to live miserable lives with no freedom or dignity. 50 million people are estimated to be trapped in some form of modern slavery in the world today. There are an estimated 136000 victims in the UK*
*Statistics are taken from the Global Slavery Index and the Centre for Social Justice, ‘It Still Happens Here.’
You may recall this high-profile case in Carlisle in 2021/2022:
Modern slavery and human trafficking are forms of abuse and as such require a safeguarding response. Attending a training session on safeguarding and modern slavery is a crucial step your church can take in working towards a slavery-free community.
To access the Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking – 2024 online course, access it via the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal.If you would like to sign up to the Clewer Initiative Newsletter, and keep up to date with this work within the Church of England, click here.
For more information, please visit The Clewer Initiative here.
‘Masterclass’ Training
When delivering the national church national framework of safeguarding training, we often receive requests for additional sessions on particular areas that we simply do not have time in sessions to discuss in more detail. We have therefore created a list of common requests over the past 18 months and in response, I am pleased to announce a trial of some new safeguarding masterclass sessions for 2025. These will be delivered by our freelance trainer Jill Webb and her colleague Danielle.
Whilst we trial them, we are limiting spaces on each masterclass to 16 participants and are therefore just opening invitations to Parish Safeguarding Officers and members of Clergy to begin with. These sessions are free to participants.
The sessions will all be delivered virtually on Zoom and will last one hour each. They will be interactive sessions, and all materials will be made available to you after the session.
How to book
To secure a place on any of the above sessions, simply email and state your:
Parish / Church:
Contact number:
Masterclass Topic you wish to attend:
Masterclass Code | Topic | Descriptor | Date and Time |
M2025/01 | Navigating the Web: Keeping Church Communities Safe Online | This session will consider how we can keep ourselves and others safe online when using social media. We will go onto consider ways to make sure we are keeping churches safe in the virtual world too. | Tuesday 18 February 7 - 8pm |
M2025/02 | Safeguarding Adults | The majority of safeguarding cases referred to the Diocese are concerns about adults. This session will overview what to do if you are concerned about an adult in your church and will consider how we can support when we have concerns but the situation is not a safeguarding one. | Monday 24 February 7 - 8pm |
M2025/03 | Getting it right in safeguarding | It is easy to be anxious about making good safeguarding decisions. This session will look at learning from past cases. We will also develop theme of the Social Graces, requested by many participants on leadership courses. | Tuesday 25 February 7 - 8pm |
M2025/04 | Mental Health and Faith | Many staff volunteers highlight their concerns about those they work with who present with mental health concerns. We will look at how to recognise this, when this might be a safeguarding concern and how the church can support. | Tuesday 4 March 7 - 8pm |
M2025/05 | Keeping Yourself Safe: Professional Boundaries and Lone Working | Most church members are great at looking after other people. In this session we will think about keeping yourself safe. How do you sustain good boundaries in a faith-based setting? We will also look at lone working and some practical solutions to common issues. | Monday 17 March 7 - 8pm |
M2025/06 | The final R: What happens after a referral? | We are all taught to ‘refer on’ concerns to the PSO or DSA. This session explores what happens after a referral and the role of other professionals within this. | Tuesday 18 March 7 - 8pm |
Privacy Notice
The Diocese of Carlisle Safeguarding Team is constantly reviewing and quality assuring training delivery to ensure it is being delivered to a high standard, is in line with national guidance and, it is well received by participants. It is imperative that together, we create a healthy safeguarding culture across the Diocese of Carlisle and we may therefore contact you to gain your valuable feedback to measure the impact of training delivery in the short and longer term to assist with this process.
By booking onto a safeguarding training course, you are agreeing to your data being collected and stored in relation to your training needs. If you wish to opt out, you can do so. For our full privacy notice, please see the document below.
Safeguarding Training Privacy Notice