Diocesan Safeguarding Policy

Our Diocesan Synod has adopted Church of England policy and guidance agreed by the House of Bishops together with the statutory guidance issued to support the safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults.
Church of England policy and guidance seeks to ensure that church activities involving children, young people and/or adults who may be vulnerable are run in a fun, safe, thoughtful and caring way. You should also refer to it if concerned about a particular person(s). Church policy and guidance includes requirements made of the diocese, bishops, leaders, church organisations and parishes, and suggested checklists and practical templates to use included in appendices. To these we have added briefings and other specifically diocesan policies that support safeguarding in the Carlisle Diocese.
We have divided up the policy and guidance under five headings. The first four are of particular relevance to safeguarding in our parishes. The five headings are:
Parish Safeguarding Handbook
Nationally, the Church of England has published a Parish Safeguarding Handbook and Guidance on Safer Environments and Activities, which aim to draw together the main messages and requirements found in the guidance agreed by the House of Bishops.
Church clarifies meaning of 'due regard'
Our clergy, readers, lay workers, churchwardens and PCC’s are legally bound to “have due regard” to safeguarding guidance issued by the House of Bishops. A few people have interpreted this as meaning they can choose not to follow it – which has led to criticism of the Church by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA). This duty has now been clarified for us: it must be followed unless there are ‘cogent reasons’ not to do so. Cogent reasons are likely to “be very rare indeed” and have to be agreed both by the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer and the Diocesan Registrar.