Past Cases Review 2

The ‘Past Cases Review 2’ (PCR2) is a national independent review of the handling of safeguarding cases in the Church of England over many years.
The purpose of the PCR2 has been to ensure that all known cases of concerns about the behaviour of clergy and church officers towards children and vulnerable adults have been dealt with appropriately.
The PCR2 was launched in 2019 and has seen an independent review of the files of all 42 Anglican dioceses, Bishopthorpe and Lambeth palaces and the National Safeguarding Team to establish:
- all known safeguarding cases have been appropriately managed and reported to statutory agencies or the police where appropriate,
- that the needs of any known victims have been considered and that sources of support have been identified and offered where this is appropriate,
- that all identified risks have been assessed and mitigated as far as is reasonably possible.
Independent reviewers have scrutinised all relevant files in the Diocese of Carlisle and fed in a report to the National Safeguarding Team. All data within that report has been validated nationally.
Subsequently the Church of England has published a national Past Cases Review 2 report which draws on data from all the independent reviews of files and an associated Executive Summary Report has also been published by the Diocese of Carlisle.
PCR2 National Report and Diocese of Carlisle Executive Summary
Please click on the links below to access the national Past Cases Review 2 report and the Diocese of Carlisle's Executive Summary Report:
Past Cases Review 2 - National Report
Diocese of Carlisle - Past Cases Review 2 Executive Summary Report
Reporting Abuse and Finding Support
It may be that something has happened to you, or is happening to you, and you are looking for support. Or you may be looking for support for someone close to you, or others who you believe are suffering.
There may be many reasons why you have not spoken out before. It can feel overwhelming and frightening, but it can also be the first step towards support, healing, and recovery. You are not to blame for what happened to you and there is support available. Click on the link below for more details:
Reporting Abuse and Finding Support
Survivor Strategy
A new Diocese of Carlisle Victim/Survivor Strategy is currently being developed in line with the new Responding Well to Victims and Survivors of Abuse Guidance 2021 which can be accessed below: