Glebe Land
People often ask about the glebe; what is it, who owns it and what happens to the income from it?
Until 1978 glebe land was owned by the incumbent of a benefice. They could use the land, or rent it out, to provide their income, or living. Differences in the amount of glebe owned by benefices resulted in some clergy enjoying a high income while others, with little or no glebe land, struggled with low incomes.
Over time additional land and investment stocks were purchased, and it increasingly became necessary to supplement the annual income of poorly endowed benefices, to ensure a reasonable income for all clergy.
In 1978, when the Endowment and Glebe Measure 1976 came into effect, the ownership of all glebe land passed to the Diocesan Boards of Finance (DBFs). From that point all clergy were paid a uniform “stipend”. The DBFs now manage the glebe property and any income from it is used towards payment of clergy stipends and pensions across the diocese.
Over the years much of the old glebe land has been sold. At the present time the remaining glebe owned by the Carlisle Diocesan Board of Finance comprises approximately 950 acres of land and farms, some commercial property (shops and offices) and a few houses. The glebe property is valued at approximately £10.3M.
The finance committee of the Board of Finance acts as the Glebe Committee for the diocese.
The Property Department administers the glebe portfolio with the majority of the properties managed through a number of external agents:
- General glebe – PFK Land Agency
- Commercial property – Walton Goodland
- Farms - Savills