Diocese of Carlisle

Pioneer Enablers

Pioneer Enabler Team Leader

Emma Richardson
Emma oversees the SDF funded pioneer enablers across the county, and supports existing pioneers to grow in their ability to replicate and enable other pioneer developments across the county.

T: 07584 684309
E: emma.richardson@carlislediocese.org.uk

Pioneer - New Monastics

Chris Harwood
Chris work with the Restore network and connected communities to develop Fresh Expressions of Church in New Monasticism.

T: 07810 299755
E: chris.harwood@restorecumbria.co.uk

Pioneer - Local Neighbourhoods

Beth Honey
Beth works with the Restore network in Penrith and connects to the wider mission community area to link with local neighbourhoods to develop communities and fresh expressions of church.

T: 07831 991076
E: beth.honey@carlislediocese.org.ukbeth.honey@restorecumbria.co.uk

Pioneer - Barrow

Opa Geibel
Opa works with young families and young adults in the Barrow area with a commitment to develop communities that can grow into fresh expressions of church.

T: 07903 791612
E: opa.geibel@carlislediocese.org.uk