Our Faith

We all have questions and that is helpful.
‘Why are we here?’ is the most basic question any of us have to answer. Does each human life have a purpose? Is humanity part of a larger plan?
The Diocese of Carlisle is part of the whole family of Christianity. Together with our fellow Christians we try to find answers to these most basic questions.
We believe:
- That there is a God who is love and who cares for us, we can know him in creation and through each other,
- That Jesus shows us the way to be in relationship with God, and how to live in positive loving relationships with other people,
- That the Spirit leads us into a prayer relationship with God and Jesus, that strengthens us and gives meaning to our lives.
- Therefore the role of the church is to encourage, enable and support in a loving community built on a faithful prayer relationship with God, after the example of Jesus and empowered by the Spirit.