Diocese of Carlisle

News Stories

  • Prayers for our 2023 ordinands

    Please do pray for all those to be ordained Deacon or Priest in just over a month's time. And please remember to uphold their families in prayer also.

    Six people will be ordained Deacon at a service at Carlisle Cathedral on Saturday 1 July at 11.30am. Read more

  • Bishop of Carlisle encourages prayers ahead of Coronation

    The Bishop of Carlisle is encouraging people to hold His Majesty King Charles III and the Queen Consort in their prayers, ahead of the Coronation.

    The Rt Rev James Newcome will attend the Coronation service - to be held in Westminster Abbey on Saturday 6 May – as part of his role as Clerk of the Closet in which he heads up the Ecclesiastical Household.

    The Church of England has published a special book of prayers - 'Prayers for the Coronation of King Charles III' - which runs from April 9 (Easter Sunday) up to the Coronation Day, and includes daily prayers, readings, and reflections.
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  • Cumbrian pair honoured with Maundy money

    Two people from Cumbria have received Maundy money in recognition of their decades of Christian service to church and community.

    Rob Cook and Doris Downton joined 74 men and 74 women - equal to the age of His Majesty King Charles III – who were presented with the money at York Minster on Maundy Thursday.

    King Charles was joined by the Queen Consort as he presented the Maundy money, having previously handed it out in 2022 on behalf of Her Late Majesty The Queen.
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  • The Bishop of Carlisle's Easter Message 2023

    In a final filmed Easter message before retirement, the Bishop of Carlisle considers three fundamental questions raised by the Resurrection of Jesus.

    The Rt Rev James Newcome – who will stand down at the end of August - was filmed at his home in Keswick and in exploring the Resurrection asks three questions: Is it true? Does it work? How does it make me feel?

    Responding to the first question, Bishop James explains: “The whole Christian faith revolves around the Resurrection, which, if true, has to be the most important event in the history of this world. It changes everything. But if it isn’t true, Christianity is the biggest and most successful hoax, or scam, humanity has ever seen.”
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  • Extensive Diocesan consultation for next Bishop of Carlisle

    An extensive Diocese of Carlisle consultation has been launched in support of work to appoint a new Bishop of Carlisle.

    Earlier this month, the Rt Rev James Newcome announced he would retire from his role as Diocesan Bishop at the end of August.

    As a result, a Vacancy in See Committee has now been convened and has begun the process for discerning and appointing the next Bishop of Carlisle. Two sub-groups have been created: one a drafting group for a Statement of Needs and a second consultative group.

    Five in-person meetings are to be held as part of a diocesan consultation, as well as an online consultation (via Zoom). An online questionnaire has also been published which as many people as possible are encouraged to complete.
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  • The Bishop of Carlisle announces plans to retire

    The Bishop of Carlisle has announced he is set to retire after more than 20 years’ senior leadership ministry in Cumbria.

    The Rt Rev James Newcome and his wife Alison first came to the county in 2002, following his appointment as the Suffragan Bishop of Penrith. Seven years later he was appointed the Diocesan bishop.

    This morning Bishop James has sent a letter to all clergy and Church of England schools in the Diocese, signalling his plans to retire at the end of August. A special service of thanksgiving for his ministry is planned for Sunday 16 July at Carlisle Cathedral.
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  • Bishop’s Australian fact-finding social care trip

    The Bishop of Carlisle is set to travel to Australia to explore how the church there is supporting social care provision.

    The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev Justin Welby, has asked the Rt Rev James Newcome to make the trip in his role as the Church of England’s lead bishop on health and social care.

    Bishop James will fly out to tomorrow (Thursday 16 February) prior to spending eight days exploring the work of Anglicare Southern Queensland. Read more

  • Bishops call for reflection and prayer

    The Bishop of Carlisle and the Bishop of Penrith note the outcome of the General Synod debate around Living in Love and Faith and are calling for a period in which people across the Diocese can “pause, reflect and pray”.

    It follows yesterday’s General Synod vote in favour of proposed prayers of thanksgiving, dedication and for God’s blessing for same-sex couples and to “lament and repent” the failure of the Church to welcome LGBTQI+ people. The motion that was carried also endorsed the decision of the College and House of Bishops not to propose any change to the doctrine of marriage. This was further reinforced by an amendment agreed by Synod.
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  • Bishops respond to Living In Love and Faith proposals

    Both bishops in the Diocese of Carlisle have written a joint pastoral letter to clergy following an announcement that the College of Bishops – all serving bishops in the Church of England – have proposed prayers of thanksgiving, dedication and for God’s blessing for same-sex couples.

    Under the proposals, same-sex couples would still not be able to get married in a Church of England church and formal teaching that Holy Matrimony is between one man and one woman for life would not change.

    The College will issue an apology later this week to LGBTQI+ people for the “rejection, exclusion and hostility” some have faced in churches and the impact this has had on their lives and will call on congregations to “unreservedly and joyfully” welcome same-sex couples.

    Today’s announcement follows three meetings of the College, which both the Bishop of Carlisle, the Rt Rev James Newcome, and the Bishop of Penrith, the Rt Rev Rob Saner-Haigh, have been involved with as part of a six-year period of listening, learning and discernment across the Church of England known as Living in Love and Faith.
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  • The Bishop of Penrith's New Year Message

    In his New Year message, the Bishop of Penrith calls for people to focus on the light of Jesus Christ as they contend with potential challenges in 2023.

    The Rt Rev Rob Saner-Haigh was filmed at St Andrew’s Penrith and, in part, reflects on the cost-of-living crisis that tens of thousands of people are currently facing.

    Bishop Rob says: “Today, in one of the largest economies in the world, many will go hungry and cold because they cannot afford the basics. Despite all the amazing work that so many people in our communities and churches do to support people, many feel pretty lacking in hope as this new year begins.”
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