Diocese of Carlisle

News Stories

  • Renewed commitment made to Cumbrian churches working together

    Cumbrian church leaders have reaffirmed their commitment to continued ecumenical working during a special Advent Sunday service.

    Ten years after Cumbria became England’s first ecumenical county, the Service of Reaffirmation at Keswick Methodist Church saw denominational leaders sign or commit to a Declaration of Covenanted Partnership and a Declaration of Companionship.

    Heavy snow and dangerous road conditions in some parts of the county meant that, unfortunately, not all attendees could make it to the service, which came a decade after partner and companion denominations first signed a Declaration of Intent at Carlisle Cathedral.
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  • Hundreds of Advent calendars to be shared across the county

    Hundreds of special Advent calendars are to be shared by Network Youth Churches with young people across the county.

    Five hundred calendars – made up of individual cards for each day of Advent – have been printed for distribution among those who regularly attend NYC and young people who they also draw alongside in the community.

    The idea for the Advent calendars was first introduced by the leadership team of Carlisle Network Youth Church, three years ago.
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  • Service of Reaffirmation strengthens Cumbria’s ecumenical county status

    Church leaders are set to reaffirm a commitment to closer working ties, a decade after Cumbria became England’s first ecumenical county.

    Keswick Methodist Church will host a Service of Reaffirmation on Sunday 28 November at 3pm. It will be attended by all the county’s denominational leaders, representatives from mission communities (groups of mutually supportive, mission-focused churches), local Churches Together groups and ecumenical projects from across Cumbria.
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  • Cathedral’s LOUDfence launched in support of sexual abuse survivors

    A special LOUDfence installation in support of survivors of sexual abuse has been launched at Carlisle Cathedral today.

    The LOUDfence runs along the south side of the building, with people encouraged to tie ribbons to it, to stop and reflect and to pray for all those affected by abuse in any context.
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  • Church bells to ring out for climate change

    Churches across the Diocese are being encouraged to come together for a mass ringing of bells ahead of the COP26 climate summit.

    Bishop James and the Ven Richard Pratt, Archdeacon of West Cumberland and President of the Carlisle Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers, are asking CDGCBR members to ring church bells at 6pm on 30 October for 30 minutes or longer. Read more

  • Cathedral LOUDfence to offer support for sexual abuse survivors

    Final preparations are in place for the launch of a special installation at Carlisle Cathedral to support survivors of sexual abuse.

    A LOUDfence will be located in the Cathedral grounds from Monday 1 November to Wednesday 3 November, All Survivors’ Day, with people being invited to tie ribbons to it in support of the survivors and victims of abuse.

    The fence forms part of a Safeguarding Season which is currently being run by the Cathedral. A working party including Cathedral chapter members, diocesan officers and representatives of survivors have developed the series of events and services.
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  • Cumbrian vicar’s first book set for international promotion

    A Cumbrian vicar’s first book – which people are encouraged to read in the run up to Christmas – is being promoted across the UK and America.

    Last year the Rev Robin Ham, who ministers at St Paul’s, Barrow, wrote a 74 page daily Advent devotional book, Finding Hope Under Bethlehem Skies.

    Originally, he self-published the book, with 500 copies being printed to help raise funds for local ministry. But now it has been picked up by Christian publisher, 10ofthose, who have chosen to promote it internationally. The book includes 25 daily reflections based around the Old Testament book of Ruth.
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  • Carlisle Cathedral announces Safeguarding Season

    Carlisle Cathedral is to run a Safeguarding Season over coming weeks, to further lament, listen and learn from the survivors of abuse.

    The Season will begin on Sunday 10 October –nationally designated as Safeguarding Sunday – and will run through to Wednesday 3 November, All Survivors’ Day.

    A specially-formed working party has drawn up a series of events and services through which there will be opportunity to reflect on the suffering of survivors and to reach out further to those affected.
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  • Launch service for North West's Emmanuel Theological College

    A bright new dawn broke on Saturday (11 September) as representatives from Church of England Dioceses across the North West gathered together for a celebration service to launch the region’s newest theological college. Read more

  • Church support for climate-crisis pilgrims

    Churches across Cumbria are being encouraged to support climate-crisis pilgrims who are journeying to Glasgow ahead of the UN COP26 Conference.

    Two Camino to Cop groups (some starting from Bristol, others from London and both converging in Birmingham) are currently making the pilgrimage to Scotland, ahead of the Conference which starts on 31 October. The pilgrimage is initiated by Extinction Rebellion Faith Bridge - an interfaith alliance representing a broad Christian spectrum – with the aim to lobby world leaders about the global climate crisis.
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