Diocese of Carlisle

News Stories

  • Christmas gift bags distributed to combat loneliness

    A Christian charity which supports people combating isolation, loneliness and mental health issues has distributed special Christmas gift bags.

    RESTORE builds community for those who would not normally go to church and operates from its city centre headquarters and warehouse in Carlisle, sourcing and recycling pre-owned items for sale in their five shops.

    The charity also supports people who may otherwise struggle to socialise through its Community Shed Project, helping clients develop woodworking skills.

    And now it has handed out more than 30 special Christmas gift bags to those who may otherwise struggle during the festive period.
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  • The Bishop of Carlisle's Christmas Message 2022

    The Bishop of Carlisle focuses on the warmth of God’s love in his annual Christmas message.

    The Rt Rev James Newcome was filmed at a ‘Warm Spot’ in Keswick, one of more than 130 which have been registered across Cumbria as people contend with rising energy bills and the cost-of-living crisis. Read more

  • Church’s energy saving thermal tent

    A Cumbrian congregation has come up with a unique way to save on energy bills by creating a thermal tent inside their church.

    The balcony, roof space and chancel area of Christ Church Cockermouth have been sealed off using temporary flame-retardant sheeting, effectively reducing the building’s volume to a quarter of the original space.

    It means that the church – which was facing an estimated increase in their annual gas bill of £12,000 due to the energy crisis – is now set to claw back thousands of pounds.
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  • Bishop’s Chaplain to retire from full-time ministry

    The Chaplain to the Bishop of Carlisle has announced he is to retire from full-time ministry at the end of January 2023.

    The Rev Canon Cameron Butland will step back from the role he has held since October 2015.

    However, he will continue to support the Rt Rev James Newcome and other senior leaders in a part-time capacity during a period of transition of leadership for the Diocese of Carlisle over the next 12 months.
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  • Safeguarding Season expands across the Diocese of Carlisle

    A Safeguarding Season which supports survivors of abuse is set to expand across the Diocese of Carlisle in coming weeks.

    Last year, Carlisle Cathedral ran a special season based around a need for the Church to lament, to listen and learn from survivors of abuse.

    It included a LOUDfence installation in the Cathedral’s grounds which people were invited to tie ribbons to, in support of those who had experienced abuse.

    This year the Safeguarding Season has grown with St Andrew’s Penrith, Holy Trinity Kendal, and St Mary‘s in Maryport set to mark it with special services and prayer spaces. A LOUDfence is also being planned at Peter’s Kirkbampton.
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  • Diocese of Carlisle publishes PCR2 Executive Summary Report

    The Diocese of Carlisle today welcomes completion of a detailed independent examination of hundreds of its files as part of a national Church of England review into safeguarding.

    The Past Cases Review 2 was launched in 2019 and has seen an independent review of the files of all 42 Anglican dioceses to establish:

    • all known safeguarding cases have been appropriately managed and reported to statutory agencies or the police where appropriate,
    • that the needs of any known victims have been considered and that sources of support have been identified and offered where this is appropriate,
    • that all identified risks have been assessed and mitigated as far as is reasonably possible.
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  • In Pictures: Welcome to Bishop Rob and Farewell to the Dean

    A selection of pictures from the Choral Evensong at Carlisle Cathedral in which we welcomed the Rt Rev Rob Saner-Haigh as Bishop of Penrith and bade farewell to the Very Rev Mark Boyling as Dean of Carlisle. Read more

  • Prayer Book Society award for 97 year-old Kendal man

    A 97-year-old south Lakes man has today received a special award for his commitment to a life of prayer.

    Arthur Moss, who lives in Kendal, is among the first to be presented with the Kilmister Award, a brand new annual award to be bestowed by the Prayer Book Society (PBS).

    It recognises and celebrates the work of lay people who have made an outstanding contribution to the life of the PBS, which brings together those who value the Book of Common Prayer.
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  • Churches mark Her Majesty The Queen’s funeral

    Churches across Cumbria have marked Her Majesty the Queen’s funeral today and given thanks for her life in scores of services over the weekend.

    A number of churches opened their doors to screen the state funeral and offer people the opportunity to come together to watch the ceremony.

    About 50 people gathered at Kendal Parish Church, whilst there were also screenings at St James Carlisle, St Patrick’s Patterdale, St Mary’s Ambleside and Christ Church Silloth, with Penrith Salvation Army Corps also encouraging people to come along.
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  • The Bishop of Carlisle to support Her Majesty’s funeral arrangements

    The Bishop of Carlisle has travelled down to London to support some of the arrangements around Her Majesty the Queen’s coffin lying in state and the state funeral.

    Eight years ago, the Rt Rev James Newcome was appointed Clerk of the Closet to the Royal Household and it is in this position that he will be involved over the comings days.

    Yesterday Bishop James attended Westminster Hall as King Charles III addressed Parliament, and later in the House of Lords he renewed his vows to the new Sovereign.
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