Statement - St Anne's Ings

The following statement has been issued by the Diocese of Carlisle in connection with a Planning Inspectorate ruling concerning St Anne's Church Ings.
"We note with disappointment the dismissal of the appeal in connection with the siting of 28 solar panels on the south facing roof of St Anne’s Church Ings.
The congregation of St Anne’s have been committed for many years to reducing the carbon footprint of their much-loved Grade II* listed church building. The introduction of an air source heat pump, underfloor heating, secondary glazing, radiant panels and roof insulation, meant the building (once cold and damp) has become a much-used community asset throughout the week.
The introduction of the solar panels would have further enhanced the carbon neutrality of the building, the work on which has already been recognised by Historic England and the Church of England nationally, following the prophetic call from General Synod in 2020 for all parts of the Church to be net zero carbon by 2030. Importantly, too, for a parish of 150 people the solar panels would have represented significant financial savings around energy use.
Whilst noting the planning inspector’s decision we would also point to the Diocesan Consistory Court in May 2024, in which the Diocesan Chancellor ruled in favour of the introduction of the solar panels.
We would always welcome opportunity to enter into further discussions with the Lake District National Park Authority and other interested parties in order that together we can look as closely as possible at how we can best protect God’s creation as we continue to face up to the enormous challenges of climate change."
For further information contact Dave Roberts, Diocesan Head of Communications, on 07469 153658 or at