- £14.5M projects and grants have been established
- £6.5M projects funded and grants signed
- 100 retrofit surveys have been completed on clergy and retired clergy houses
- A £2.4M Quick Wins fund has been launched for dioceses to help parishes with small scale projects such as LED installations, pew heaters or double glazing
- The programme is seeking to support 114 churches to become Demonstrator Churches, with each receiving additional funding and support to be an exemplar church in their region
- A £2M National Framework for Schools Decarbonisation has been developed for Church of England schools to help secure external grants and deliver net zero projects
- And 4865 churches are now engaged with conservation charity A Rocha UK’s Eco Church scheme, a great starting point for churches helping them begin their eco journey.
Diocese showcased in new Church of England report

The pioneering work of the Diocese of Carlisle and its ambition to reach net zero carbon features in the Church of England’s first Net Zero Carbon 2030 Impact Report.
The report, published this week, highlights the impact of the Church of England’s Net Zero Programme, since it was mobilised last year.
The ambitious programme aims to equip, resource and support all parts of the Church to reduce carbon emissions from the energy used in its buildings, schools and through work-related transport by 2030.
The report features the Diocese of Carlisle’s first eco vicarage. Work was completed on the property in Natland, just south of Kendal, in January. It replaced the village’s existing Victorian vicarage. Work included installation of a new air source heat pump, pressurised water heating system, solar panels on the roof and battery storage to improve efficiency and provide two thirds of the electricity supply, increased insulation in the roof space and new external doors. The national report also includes a link through to a filmed tour of the vicarage by Diocesan Property Manager, Nick Paxman.
The Net Zero Impact Report highlights that more than £20 million has been allocated so far to dioceses to help support parishes and schools to reduce their carbon emissions. It also reveals:
The Acting Bishop of Carlisle, the Rt Rev Rob Saner-Haigh said: “This report illustrates the incredible progress being made by all parts of the Church of England to reach the goal set by General Synod to be net zero carbon by 2030.
“It’s wonderful to see our eco vicarage featured within the report and we know this example is just the tip of the iceberg, there’s so many great carbon reducing projects happening in [name of area] and we’re excited as a diocese to provide further support in the coming months and years, as we journey together to reach net zero carbon.”
Julian Atkins, Church of England’s Net Zero Programme Director, said: “We’re delighted to publish our first Impact Report and bring together in one publication a snapshot of all the amazing work which is being carried out across the country. It really is a team effort, with many people, all making a contribution.
“Churches, cathedrals and schools like [name of local example] are already making great progress in reducing their carbon emissions and many have found that making small changes can make a big difference. We hope the report will encourage and inspire readers to see that achieving net zero carbon is possible and that there is a wealth of support available to help them on this journey.”
Read the new Net Zero Carbon 2030 Impact Report here: Net Zero Carbon 2030 Impact Report by The Church of England - Issuu
For further information contact Dave Roberts, Diocesan Head of Communications, on 07469 153658 or at communications@carlislediocese.org.uk.