Special service to celebrate 30th anniversary of ordination of women Priests

A special service will be held at Carlisle Cathedral to mark the 30th anniversary of the first ordination of women Priests.
The Rev Canon Angela Whittaker, Bishop’s Adviser for Women’s Ministry in the Diocese of Carlisle, will preside at a Eucharist in Celebration of 30 Years of Ordination of Women to the Priesthood.
She will be supported on the day by the Rev Ruth Newton, who next week joins the Diocese as the new Archdeacon of Carlisle, and who will preach at the service.
Angela said: “Speaking as someone ordained some years after those first women were ordained Priest, I and so many others owe them a huge debt of gratitude for holding fast, in the face of challenge, to the belief that they too were called to be priest in God’s Church, and working and praying towards this.
“It will be wonderful to be able to celebrate this anniversary with them. I look forward to sharing in worship at the Cathedral with some of those ordained in 1994 as well as with others who have subsequently been ordained.”
On 14 and 15 May 1994, 15 women were ordained into the Priesthood in the Diocese, with services at Carlisle Cathedral, Holy Trinity Kendal and St Mary and St Michael Egremont.
The Rev Canon Jane Maycock was one of those ordained in 1994 at a service in St Paul’s Cathedral, by the Rt Rev Graham Dow, the former Bishop of Carlisle who was then the Bishop of Willesden.
Jane, who has ministered in the Diocese of Carlisle since 1995 and also served as Diocesan Director of Ordinands, explained: “The service was amazing. We had been warned that there was an application ongoing that day for a High Court injunction to stop the ordinations so at one point we weren’t even sure if it was going ahead. During the service one person stood up to raise objections and was given three minutes to speak after which the Registrar pronounced judgement that the ordinations should continue to a huge round of applause. There was something very affirming about that.
“I believe the ordination of women Priests has brought a wholeness to ministry. I’ve had some fantastic conversations with people over the years because they have seen me wearing a dog collar and approached me as a woman Priest.”
The service will take place on Saturday 21 September at 2pm at the Cathedral and is open to everyone. It will include a reaffirmation of vows as well as an interview with one of the first women to be ordained to the Priesthood in the Diocese.
This year also marks the tenth anniversary of The General Synod of the Church of England giving its final approval for women to become bishops in the Church of England.
The Rt Rev Rob Saner-Haigh, the Acting Bishop of Carlisle, will pronounce a blessing at the end of the service.
He said: “I am delighted that as a Diocese we will formally recognise and give thanks for all the wonderful ministry and mission which my female colleagues have overseen in the last 30 years.
“The 1994 cohort were true pioneers who led the way for so many more women to follow God’s calling to ordained ministry in the Priesthood. Our diocese is a richer and fuller place because of that. I pray that it will be a joyful service and one which will act as a fitting celebration of all our women priests and deacons and indeed all those female lay colleagues who do so much for our faith communities.”
Free tickets for the service can now be booked by visiting this link.
Notes to editors
At Bristol Cathedral on 12 March 1994, Barry Rogerson, the Bishop of Bristol, ordained 32 women to the priesthood, who become the first in the Church of England.
Final legislation for women to become priests was approved by General Synod on 11 November 1992, before a pastoral statement in 1993 by the House of Bishops (known as the ‘Manchester Statement’) paved the way for approval in both Parliamentary Houses. The measure received Royal Assent on 5 November 1993.
For further information contact Dave Roberts, Diocesan Communications Manager, on 07469 153658 or at communications@carlislediocese.org.uk.