Diocese of Carlisle

Mission and Ministry, Support and Innovation

Director of Mission and Ministry, Support and Innovation

Rachel Head
Rachel has responsibility for leading the central mission and ministry team who encourage, equip and support the local church in realising our God for All Vision and for building effective partnerships with many different groups of people, ecumenically across the diocese.

T: 07389 701043
E: rachel.head@carlislediocese.org.uk

Director of Ministry Development

The Rev Nicky Smith
Nicky, as Director of Ministry Development, has responsibility for training and development for the Diocese of Carlisle. She is team lead on vocations, IME 2, lay training, clergy development, and clergy wellbeing.

T: 07881 601964
E: nicky.smith@carlislediocese.org.uk

Ministry Development Administrator

Steve Minto
Steve supports the development of ministry, vocations and training across the county, specifically, the administration of data for Reader and Lay ministry and Initial Ministerial Education Phase 2, the Continuing Ministerial Development process and the Diocese of Carlisle’s work to promote, develop and process Vocations.

T: 07884 849407
E: steve.minto@carlislediocese.org.uk

Diocesan Director of Ordinands

The Rev Canon Peter Clement
Peter encourages people to consider how they should serve God and their neighbour, and by doing this to live out their calling to follow Jesus.

T: 01768 807777 Ext 220/07823 415815
E: peter.clement@carlislediocese.org.uk

Vocations Lead for Ministry Development

The Rev Dr Raewynne Whiteley
Raewynne has responsibility for supporting people's call to discipleship, developing a healthy and safe culture to enable effective discernment and introducing vocations pathways for locally based lay leaders and Self-Supporting Ministers 

E: raewynne.whiteley@carlislediocese.org.uk

Growing Younger Enabler

Hannah Burgess
Hannah is responsible for Network Youth Church and the Northern Young Leaders Project.

T: 07900 519139
E: hannah.burgess@carlislediocese.org.uk

Vocations Development Officer

The Rev Beverley Lock
Beverley works as part of the Vocations team to encourage people to explore what God is calling them to be and to do.

T: 01768 807777
E: beverley.lock@carlislediocese.org.uk

Self Supporting Ministry Support

The Rev Canon Elaine Bates
Elaine is a non-stipendiary priest living in Barrow. She is Associate Priest at St. Paul's Church, Barrow and supports the work of the God for All Team in various ways, particularly in Lay Development and IME1 for which she is the Placement Supervising Tutor.

T: 01229 494444
E: elaine.bates@carlislediocese.org.uk

Self Supporting Ministry Convenor

The Rev Canon Nick Hallam
Nick works with the Archdeaconry SSM/NSM Representatives to support SSM/NSMs in the diocese and keep up with developments about SSM/NSM in the wider church.

T: 015394 36069
E: nick.hallam@uwclub.netk

Warden of Readers

Prof Annie Garden
Annie is responsible for the selection and training of readers; for the encouragement of readers in their pastoral and liturgical ministries; and for their continuing education and training.

Shuna, Back Lane, Arnside, Carnforth LA5 0BS. 
E: warden.readers@carlislediocese.org.uk