
"The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters" (Psalm 24:1-2)
Welcome to the Environment section of our website. You will find information and support here on a range of environmental matters, including working towards net zero carbon emissions, sustainability and biodiversity.
If you are thinking about any environmental or net zero work in your church, please get in touch. This won't commit you or your churches to doing anything, but will enable you to get a good idea of what resources are available and which approaches may be most suitable for your church context.
You can email environment@carlislediocese.org.uk or telephone 01768 807777.
Diocesan Environmental Officer
Dr Richard Waller
Richard is our Diocesan Environmental Officer. A senior lecturer in physical geography at Keele University, Richard will be working with Anna Newlove, our Pastoral and Net Zero Officer, to support individuals and churches across the Diocese reduce their carbon emissions.
Pastoral and Net Zero Officer
Anna Newlove
Anna works alongside Richard and the Environmental and Net Zero Carbon Working Group to support, coordinate and monitor the progress of the diocese as we live out the ecumenical God for All vision, and Tread Gently theme, and aim for Net Zero Carbon emissions by 2030.