Diocese of Carlisle

Diocese Team Training Sessions

A wide range of sessions is offered online with a range of dates and times available. Some of these are stand-alone events, while others link into broader series. 

Please see our Training and Events Schedule for full details. To book an event, click the link in the right-hand column for each session. This will take you through to the TryBooking system. You will receive a confirmation email as soon as you book, and a reminder nearer the time of the session. If you have any questions about the TryBooking system, please contact Education Office Manager anna.lea@carlislediocese.org.uk 

As well as attending governor and leader training courses, governors should also consider attending Governor Peer Support Network sessions which are delivered virtually at different points in the year. Each session has a central theme, broader discussion of day-to-day governance issues and a chance to ask questions, request and offer support and to build up a network of peers who all have the flourishing of our Church schools in mind. 

Headteachers can consider our HT Peer Support Network online meetings which operate in a similar way.

For more details contact ruth.houston@carlislediocese.org.uk who leads these sessions. 

Links and Resources