Diocesan Synod Members
Membership List - 2024 to 2027
Ex-Officio Members
The Bishop of Carlisle - Vacancy in See
The Rt Rev Rob Saner-Haigh, the Bishop of Penrith
The Very Rev Jonathan Brewster - the Dean of Carlisle
The Ven Ruth Newton, the Archdeacon of Carlisle
The Ven Stewart Fyfe, the Archdeacon of West Cumberland
The Ven Vernon Ross, the Archdeacon of Westmorland and Furness
The Rev Andrew Towner
Mr J Fryer-Spedding
Mr J A E Johnson
The Rev Andrew Norman
Proctors in Convocation
The Rev S J Fyfe
The Rev J Maycock
The Rev N Pennington
General Synod House of Laity
Dr C J Angus
Mrs C Burgess
Mrs V J Hallard
Mrs Z Ham
Members Nominated by the Bishop
L Wood
House of Clergy Co-options
House of Laity Co-options
The Chancellor
Mr J Fryer-Spedding
The Registrar
Mrs L Peace
Ecumenical Observer
Mr D Hurton
Elected Members
House of Clergy
The Rev A Burrell
The Rev Canon B A Giblin
The Rev F A P Parkinson
The Rev S W Tudway
House of Laity
Sir M Holdgate
Mr M Lawson
Mrs R Milburn
One vacancy
House of Clergy
The Rev C Kennedy
Two vacancies
House of Laity
Miss S F Goodliffe
Miss L J Hopkins
Two vacancies
House of Clergy
The Rev S C Bickersteth
The Rev T A Boddam-Whetham
The Rev A Quinn
Three vacancies
House of Laity
Mr J B Barradell
Mr A R H Cook
Mr A N Newgarth
Mr N G N Orchard
Mrs I Roberts-Davies
Mr J Churchill
One vacancy
House of Clergy
The Rev A D Callaway
The Rev C Helm
The Rev E K Honey
The Rev Canon D G Sargent
No vacancies
House of Laity
Mr N Barrett
Miss S C A Tomlinson
Miss N F Tweddell
One vacancy
House of Clergy
The Rev R D Cunliffe
The Rev A M Riley
Four vacancies
House of Laity
Mrs J R Amey
Mr G R Brassington
Mrs A M Brassington
Mr J Geering
Three vacancies
House of Clergy
The Rev S J Banks
The Rev J N Freeman
The Rev C Hope
The Rev G Jones
The Rev Dr S Strang Wood
No vacancies
House of Laity
Mrs J S Collins
Mrs S E Leighton
Two vacancies
House of Clergy
The Rev R T Corrie
The Rev D J de Mattos
The Rev S A Murphy
The Rev Canon B Rothwell
Two vacancies
House of Laity
Mr T W Barker
Mrs Y Ladds
J Launchbury
Mr J Mossop
Mr P Wardle
One vacancy
House of Clergy
The Rev A Ford
The Rev S C Jones
The Rev S C Silk
No vacancies
House of Laity
Mr J M Dobb
Mr J D Elvy
No vacancies
House of Clergy
The Rev T I Sample
The Rev B T Streeter
One vacancy
House of Laity
Mr G Brunskill
Mrs C Saunders
Two vacancies
House of Clergy
The Rev G W Briggs
The Rev C A Brown
The Rev G J Burrows
The Rev L A Foster
The Rev B T Kerr
The Rev Canon A E Pettifor
The Rev R J Snow
The Rev Canon S H P Thompson
The Rev Canon A Whittaker
One vacancy
House of Laity
Mrs J Burrows
Mr P J Clarke
Mr M Crees
Mr G P Gornall
Mr C Howarth
Mrs B MsLeod
Mrs J L Thompson
Mr D C Walker
No vacancies
House of Clergy
The Rev E R Bagg
The Rev J S Dixon
The Rev M R Houston
The Rev J Richards
The Rev D M B Wilmot
No vacancies
House of Laity
Four vacancies