Diocese of Carlisle

DAC - Care of Churches

The 340 churches in the Diocese each represent the lives of thousands of people who have worshipped, celebrated and mourned there. Many are historic listed buildings and their care and maintenance is one of the greatest challenges that congregations face.

The Diocesan Advisory Committee for the Care of Churches (DAC) offers advice to Parochial Church Councils (PCCs) about proposed work to church buildings and churchyards, offers training for church officers with particular responsibility for churches, and helps congregations through the application process for gaining a faculty.

It calls upon a range of experts and consultants who offer their skills on a voluntary basis. Contact either the DAC Office or your  Archdeacon for further advice and information, and with any specific queries concerning works to your church building or churchyard.

DAC Secretary

Morven Anson
Morven manages and provides advice and assistance on the Faculty Application Procedure including the Online Faculty System; facilitates the running of the Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC); and provides support for care of churchyards, and the List B and Quinquennial processes in the Diocese..

T: 07423 033934
E: dac@carlislediocese.org.uk

Carlisle DAC Church Buildings Awards 2025

The DAC is delighted to launch their Church Buildings Awards, offering an opportunity to celebrate the efforts of so many in caring for, preserving and serving the wonderful church buildings of our diocese. Please see below letter from the Chair of the DAC and application form. 

DAC Awards 2025 Letter from the Chair.

DAC Awards 2025 Application Form. 

If you have any queries, please contact Morven Anson - details above. 

Links and Resources