Diocese of Carlisle


University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust

Lead Chaplain - The Rev Ian Dewar (Anglican)
T: 01524 519231
E: ian.dewar@mbht.nhs.uk

Furness General Hospital - Barrow

Deacon Deborah Wilde (Methodist)
T: 07368 935636
E: deborah.louise@hotmail.com

The Rev Ron Wilson (URC)
T: 01229 839226

The Rev Tony Ford (Anglican)
T: 01229 820405
E: tonyford227@btinternet.com

Westmorland General Hospital – Kendal

The Rev Amy Bland (Anglican)
T: 07721 887924
E: amy.bland@mbht.nhs.uk

North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust (for all general hospital and community services except mental health)

For referrals for visits to patients or general enquiries, email chaplaincy@ncic.nhs.uk or call the switchboard and ask for the chaplain 01228 523444.

To call a chaplain to visit a patient outside of office hours (Mon – Fri, 9am – 5pm except Public Holidays) please call the switchboard 01228 523444 and ask for the on-call chaplain.

Lead Chaplain

Lead Chaplain - The Rev Jane Nattrass (Anglican)
T: 07568 530503
E: jane.nattrass@ncic.nhs.uk

Cumberland Infirmary - Carlisle

The Rev Jane Nattrass (Anglican)
T: 07568 530503
E: jane.nattrass@ncic.nhs.uk

The Rev Annie Gray (Anglican)
T: 07484 717522
E: a.gray147@btinternet.com

The Rev Eleanor Hancock (Anglican)
T: 07763 482542
E: eleanor.hancock55@gmail.com

Sheryl Haw (Anglican)

The Rev David Newlove (Methodist)
T: 07989 198487

The Rev Ian Newton (Independent)
T: 07446 352503

Abdur Rashid (Muslim)
T: 07723 814015

Rashida Begum (Muslim)
T: 07450 110311

West Cumberland Hospital - Whitehaven

The Rev Jane Nattrass (Anglican)
T: 07568 530503
E: jane.nattrass@ncic.nhs.uk

Fr Kevan Dorgan (Catholic)
T: 07805 462993
E: kevan.dorgan@ncic.nhs.uk

Davy Jones (Anglican Reader)
T: 07484 131635
E: david.jones2@ncic.nhs.uk

Richard Wilkinson (Anglican Reader)
T: 01946 523737
E: richard.wilkinson@ncic.nhs.uk

Magans Thekkeveliyil (Orthodox)
T: 07436 948315
E: magansantony.thekkeveliyil@ncic.nhs.uk

Brampton Community Hospital

The Rev Jane Nattrass (Anglican)
T: 07568 530503
E: jane.nattrass@ncic.nhs.uk

Cockermouth Cottage Hospital

The Rev Jane Nattrass (Anglican)
T: 07568 530503
E: jane.nattrass@ncic.nhs.uk

Mary Hewetson Community Hospital - Keswick

The Rev Jane Nattrass (Anglican)
T: 07568 530503
E: jane.nattrass@ncic.nhs.uk

Penrith Hospital

The Rev Sandra Ward (Anglican)
T: 01900 85237/07946 633334
E: sandra.ward@cumbria.nhs.uk
E: revd.sandra@gmail.com

Workington Community Hospital

The Rev Jane Nattrass (Anglican)
T: 07568 530503
E: jane.nattrass@ncic.nhs.uk

Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (for mental health services)

The Carleton Clinic - Carlisle

Sheryl Haw (Anglican)

West Cumberland Hospital – Whitehaven

Yvonne Myers (Independent)
T: 07816 128075