Diocese of Carlisle

St Cuthbert, Cliburn, CA103AL

St Cuthbert, Cliburn, Morland: St Lawrence
Cliburn, CA103AL

We are a friendly, welcoming local church in the Eden Valley in Cumbria. We have a regular pattern of services and are open for private prayer. We are also happy to receive inquiries for weddings and Christenings. We are part of the North Westmorland group of churches.

St Lawrence's Church, Morland, is the Parish Church for the villages of Morland, Cliburn, Kings Meaburn, Newby, Sleagill and Little Strickland. The historic parishes of Thrimby and Cliburn are now part of the parish of Morland, and we are better prepared for the future by being together. St Cuthbert's in Cliburn are still fully open, as are their churchyards, and are available for baptisms, marriages and funerals.

We are part of the North Westmorland Benefice, together with the churches of Askham and Lowther, Bampton, Bolton, Clifton and Brougham, Crosby Ravensworth, Great Strickland and Shap.

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