Diocese of Carlisle

St John The Evangelist, CA1 2HA

St John the Evangelist, Carlisle: St John the Evangelist
London Road Carlisle, CA1 2HA

We are a Bible-believing evangelical Anglican Church situated on London Road near the centre of Carlisle. We have a wide range of activities and services throughout the week including home groups, coffee mornings, youth club, and other activities that cater for various ages and abilities. Do join us if you can.

Visit the website


  • All Age Family Worship

    We are in the 21st century so this calls for a different approach to Sunday worship and this is it. The teaching is Bible based, the music is mainly contemporary and the style is very relaxed. Refreshments will be served after the service. For more information then please ask... office@stjohnscarlisle.co.uk

    Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. for 60 minutes

    Coffee, Family friendly, Sunday school, Live_stream

  • Informal Worship

    A relaxed time meeting God in His Word the Bible and worshipping Him in various ways together ... followed by chat & refreshments.

    Every 1st , 2nd , 4th and 5th Sunday at 10:30 a.m. for 60 minutes

    Common worship, Coffee, Family friendly, Allages, Church, Singingevent, Musicevent, Morningworship, Hymnsevent, Prayers, Coffemorning, Biblestudy, Christianityexplored, Rainbows, Worship_band, Gluten-free_communion, Live_stream, Warm_Space, Worship, Prayer_Group

  • Communion Service

    A relaxed gathering meeting God in His Word the Bible, sharing Communion with all who would like to, and worshipping Jesus in various ways ... followed by chat & refreshments.

    Every 3rd Sunday at 10:30 a.m. for 60 minutes

    Common worship, Coffee, Family friendly, Allages, Communion, Singingevent, Musicevent, Hymnsevent, Worship_band, Gluten-free_communion, Live_stream, Warm_Space, Worship







  • Rainbow Club

    A group dedicated to working with a group of adults who have learning difficulties, if you want to know more then please ask... office@stjohnscarlisle.co.uk

    Every 3rd Saturday at 2 p.m. for 120 minutes