St Aidan’S, Carlisle, CA1 1LT
St Aidan’s is a beautiful church at the heart of the Warwick Road community. We are a welcoming, accepting congregation who enjoy a traditional style of worship. We follow a printed order of service and sing hymns from a hymn book to organ accompaniment. We value Scripture and the Sacraments expressed through beautiful music, words and surroundings, with candles, vestments and sometimes incense. Come and find out if this suits your own spirituality and journey with us as we try to live out the Gospel message and learn how to love God and our neighbour.
Sung Eucharist
Regular Sunday morning worship lasting approx one hour. Hymns with organ accompaniment and sung liturgy according to the Church season. Printed order of service for ease. Coffee afterwards at the back of church.
Tuesday Prayers
A small group meet once a week to pray for the local community, individuals with their permission, regional, national and international concerns. The group is lead by a lay person using a simple structure. The prayers commence at noon with the Memorial of the Incarnation (the Angelus) and lasts 20 to 30 minutes. Prayer requests can be left in the basket on the table at the back of church.
Mid week Holy Communion
A simple service of Holy Communion. No hymns, no music, just prayer and peace.
Lent Study Group
This year we are studying ‘Fruitfulness on the Frontline.' It is a course from the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity designed to help us make a difference wherever we happen to be. We will meet
each week in Lent and for a few weeks in the Easter season
too. Preceded by coffee at 10.45 following the mid-week holy communion at 10.00. Come for all three or whatever works for you.
If you would like to receive the resources please email to let us know you plan to attend.