St Mark'S Church, LA9 7QJ
A warm welcome awaits you at St Mark's Church. We would love you to join us for services and events.
There is currently a service for all every Sunday at 10am including Sunday School and a creche and a Midweek Communion Service on Thursdays at 10am.
The church is open for private prayer and reflection every day from 09.00 - 17.00
Eucharist at 8am
We will celebrate Holy Communion Service at 8am on the 3rd Sunday of each month. This is a said service providing a quiet and reflective start to the day. All are very welcome.
Sunday Worship at 10am
Each Sunday we worship together in church at 10am. This is a service for everyone, whether you attend church regularly or wish to see what church is like. We celebrate Holy Communion each Sunday at 10am except for the 3rd Sunday when the service is a Service of the Word. During term time Sunday School runs for children of school age and creche for babies and young children. Refreshments are served after the service. Come and join us. A copy of the order of service and the weekly notice sheet can be found by clicking on the News and Notices page.
We meet each month for themed crafts, games, a story, songs, prayers and refreshments. Suitable for all ages. Very informal. Everybody welcome.
Come along to 'Encounter' where, with a focus on a particular contemporary issue or theme, we talk together, worship together and enjoy cake together. If you are looking for a more informal and interactive way to worship and to think about faith, with contemporary songs and hymns then this is probably a good place to start.
Walk & Talk & Pray
During Lent we meet every Tuesday. Meet by the post box on Natland village green at 10.30 we will back by noon.
Mothers' Union Families Group
We meet each month for an interesting talk by a guest speaker and time to enjoy each others company over refreshments.
Holy Communion on Thursdays
Join us for a midweek celebration of Holy Communion. A quiet and reflective service. Refreshments after the service. On Maundy Thursday the service will take place in the evening.
Mothers' Union Families Group
We meet each month for an interesting talk by a guest speaker and time to enjoy each others company over refreshments.
Compline is a short contemplative service of quietness and reflection.